Can Candy Crush Soda Saga be a big hit? Today's Open Thread

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Candy Crush Soda Saga has big boots (and bottles) to fill.

The default stance on King’s Candy Crush Saga mobile game in the Guardian’s comments section seems to be “It’s rubbish and cynical, and the people who play it are fools”. It gets quite a kicking whenever we cover it.
And yet... Candy Crush Saga has been phenomenally popular, with tens of millions of daily players who don’t give two hoots about online anger over freemium business models or copying older games.
You or I may not be a fan of Candy Crush Saga, but our mums, dads, aunts, uncles, cousins and cats (okay, most of the above) are likely to be several hundred levels down its rabbit-hole.
There’s a real split in perception between the people who talk about Candy Crush on the Guardian and other websites – who hate it – and the people who are playing it out there in the world and loving it.
Anyway, its sequel is out now: Candy Crush Soda Saga. Released yesterday for Android and iOS, it’s still about swapping sweets to make matches, but now with the inclusion of “soda” bottles (i.e. fizzy pop) that fills up the screen to complete each level.
Can it repeat the success of Candy Crush Saga – a game so popular and lucrative that it was the single biggest factor in its publisher going public earlier this year? Or is King in danger of being the next Zynga, overworking a formula that – once you’ve given your mobile life up to it once – may put you off starting again?
The comments section is open for your views.
Also on the tech radar today:
  • The latest chart of YouTube channels sorted by how many new subscribers they have, courtesy of OpenSlate and Tubefilter. PewDiePie may have just passed 32m subscribers, but he added another 757,982 in October alone.
  • Apple is going to face a federal lawsuit over complaints that users who switched from iOS to Android stopped getting their text messages. The company has just launched a web tool to sort this out, but the lawsuit will proceed.
  • Mozilla is having a busy week: its latest announcement is a site called MozVR: a virtual reality website about, well, virtual reality websites. “MozVR is where we will share experimental VR Web experiences, provide resources, and showcase work from developers in the growing VR web community,” explains the company.
  • Important news for Windows users: what Ars Technica describes as “a potentially catastrophic vulnerability in virtually all versions of Windows” has been discovered, with a patch already available. The bigger picture: “Tuesday’s disclosure means that every major TLS stack – including Apple SecureTransport , GNUTLS,OpenSSL, NSS, and now Microsoft SChannel – has had a severe vulnerability this year.”
  • Finally, as a more positive follow-up to yesterday’s fears about robots taking our jobs, here’s a beautiful time-lapse animation of Androids having a snog fromAndroid Jones.

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